The translation for Andon is lantern, and it’s a visual control to “call for help” to the person in charge of resolving the abnormal situation. He goes to the site and only when production resumes its normal course the andon returns to green.
SMED – Single Minute Exchange of Die
The objective of SMED (Single Minute Exchange Die) is to reduce the setup wastes, reduce setup time , enabling the increase of the OEE and the reduction of the lots size.
OEE – Overall Equipment Efficiency
OEE is the indicator that measures the efficiency of equipment regarding availability, performance and quality.
AM – Autonomous Maintenance
It aims to maintenance practiced on a routinely and organized way, improving the skills of operators and maintenance technicians.
PM – Planned Maintenance
With planned maintenance we evolve our efforts to from a reactive method to a proactive method, with the aim of obtaining machinery and equipment without problems without producing defects.
Golden Zone
The Golden Zone is the prime area to have the materials and tools necessary for our duties. To reduce waste and improve ergonomics we should focus on this area to perform the tasks.
Standard Work
The Standard Work is conducted to record the characteristics of a process, such as operations, layout, and cycle times.
Allows you to identify the waiting time between jobs and processes.
Border of Line
Structures created to supply the workstations. On the search to find the best solution for a border of line the major conditions are its suitability for the process and ergonomics, which ensures an unlimited variety of structures.
It’s a Lean methodology designed to improve the organization of our tasks, which consists of five distinct steps, creating a system to standardize how tasks are performed.
Jidoka is a system, to install on a machine from the production process, that allows the detection of defects in the machine and the automatic shutdown of the system to avoid passing the defect to the next process.
The sequencer is a buffer of orders, arranged on the sequence to produce.
Production Board
The production board is filled by the persons responsible for the process and includes information such as the production targets, what was produced and comments. You can also add information on quality, safety, human resources and results.
Poka-Yoke is a system that, after being implemented, makes the creation of a defect in the manufacturing process impossible to happen.